Tutorial 5: Learn about metrics

We provide 3 metrics, accuracy, precision, recall as the results of training and testing. They are from the Torchmetrics, and in “init” we set the list of them __all__ = ["accuracy", "precision", "recall"]

For details about the meanings of the accuracy parameters, see torchmetrics.Accuracy object.

For details about the meanings of the precision parameters, see torchmetrics.Precision object.

For details about the meanings of the recall parameters, see torchmetrics.Recall object.


The accuracy is defined as accuracy(name:str="accuracy(top-1)", top_k:int=1, threshold:float=None)

  • Args:

    "name(str)": The name of metric, e.g. accuracy(top-1) "top_k (int)": Number of the highest probability or logit score predictions considered finding the correct label. "threshhold (float, optional)": Threshold for transforming probability or logit predictions to binary (0,1) predictions, in the case of binary or multi-label inputs.

  • Return:

    NamedMetirc: A torchmetrics metric with customed name.


The precision is defined as precision(name:str="precision(threshold=0.5)", top_k:int=None, threshold:float=0.5)

  • Args:

    "name(str)": The name of metric, e.g. accuracy(top-1) "top_k (int)": Number of the highest probability or logit score predictions considered finding the correct label. "threshhold (float, optional)": Threshold for transforming probability or logit predictions to binary (0,1) predictions, in the case of binary or multi-label inputs.

  • Return:

    NamedMetirc: A torchmetrics metric with customed name.


The recall is defined as recall(name:str="recall(threshold=0.5)", top_k:int=None, threshold:float=0.5)

  • Args:

    "name(str)": The name of metric, e.g. accuracy(top-1) "top_k (int)": Number of the highest probability or logit score predictions considered finding the correct label. "threshhold (float, optional)": Threshold for transforming probability or logit predictions to binary (0,1) predictions, in the case of binary or multi-label inputs.

  • Return:

    NamedMetirc: A torchmetrics metric with customed name.

The example

Build metrics for evaluation.

from fgvclib.metrics import get_metric
from fgvclib.metrics import NamedMetric

def build_metrics(metrics_cfg: CfgNode, use_cuda:bool=True) -> t.List[NamedMetric]:

    metrics = []
    for cfg in metrics_cfg:
        metric = get_metric(cfg["metric"])(name=cfg["name"], top_k=cfg["top_k"], threshold=cfg["threshold"])
        if use_cuda:
            metric = metric.cuda()
    return metrics

Evaluate the FGVC model.

def evaluate_model(model:nn.Module, p_bar:t.Iterable, metrics:t.List[NamedMetric], use_cuda:bool=True) -> t.Dict:

    results = dict()
    with torch.no_grad():
        for _, (inputs, targets) in enumerate(p_bar):
            if use_cuda:
                inputs, targets = inputs.cuda(), targets.cuda()
            inputs, targets = Variable(inputs), Variable(targets)
            for metric in metrics:
                _ = metric.update(model(inputs), targets) 
    for metric in metrics:
        result = metric.compute()
            metric.name: round(result.item(), 3)

    return results

Output the accuracy.

In the processing of train:

acc = evaluate_model(model, test_bar, metrics=cfg.METRICS, use_cuda=cfg.USE_CUDA)
logger("Evalution Result:")

In the processing of predict:

metrics = build_metrics(cfg.METRICS)
acc = evaluate_model(model, pbar, metrics=metrics, use_cuda=cfg.USE_CUDA)
